What is with the name of this blog?

You may be wondering about the name of this blog. Invitations to Ascend sounds rather lofty and imposing, after all. So this is the story behind it.

It all stems from a dream that I (Alicia) had last year. In this dream, there was a mountain with a disused cable car. The cable car used to travel up this mountain but now no one went up. Well, almost no one, a very few did. They were trained in mountaineering and equipped for the task. But, they were few and far between.

Now, instead, most just drove past, perhaps looking out their car window at the mountain but giving it little thought. They were happy to simply go past admiring the view. But they had no desire to stop. No longing to attempt the climb, nor to see what they might find were they to do so.

When I woke up, this dream lay hold of me, and over the following months, it seemed to unfold.

What is with the name of this blog it all comes from a dream of the mountain of god
Arthur’s Pass, New Zealand

It seems to me that we are invited into a relationship with God that few seem to find. There are some who do. But most of us appear to be content to drive on by. To give the mountain of God a cursory glance and continue on with our lives.

But there was a cable car in my dream. Disused, yes, but capable of restoration. Capable of carrying people up that mountain yet again. For me, the mountain of God, and the journey up that mountain symbolises the adventure of faith. The journey to find the kind of relationship with God we were created for. One of depth, communion and intimacy. 

So, as ridiculous as this may seem that is where the name for this blog comes from. We hope, and certainly pray, that in some way this blog and the posts that are in it may act as invitations. Invitations to draw closer, to hear from God. To ponder the kind of life and the kind of people we are called to be. To see our amazing God through fresh eyes. And maybe, just maybe, to find ourselves face to face with our creator.

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