Who is Jesus and what does he have to offer me?

Maybe you have found this blog, and you don’t really know much about Jesus. Perhaps you have read some of our posts and wondered what we are on about.

If this is you then we encourage you to watch the following video. It is a brief introduction to a course called H20. H2O is all about being thirsty and the living water that Jesus offered, and still offers, to quench that thirst. If you like this introduction and would like to watch more, keep scrolling. As we have very generously been given permission by the wonderful people at City on a Hill to embed the entire course on our blog.

What follows are the seven episodes from the H20 course. If at any point you would like to discuss, ask questions or have any thoughts about what you have been watching please contact us. To do so you can either fill in the form at the bottom of this page, or you can click here.

If you have any questions or thoughts about the following videos we would love to hear from you. Please contact us. Feel free to send us a message below. Introduce yourself and tell us where you are at. Feel free to ask any questions you have. We may, or may not, know the answers to them. But we certainly know many people far wiser than ourselves who can help you if we cannot. We would love to journey with you!

If you would like to purchase the above videos, or the workbooks that have been created to go alongside them, please visit, https://www.hellostorytogether.com/series/h2o