The dance of the trinity

I have always found the concept of the trinity hard to understand. Who is our God? How is He three and yet also one? Do I relate to God as Father? Or as Jesus, the Son? Or as the Holy Spirit? How do I interact with all three? Should I do so all at once or one at a time? And if I do, am I then understanding them as three rather than one? But then if I focus on the oneness do I then lose the three-ness? Above all, what does this mean in practice? And how does it affect me as a follower of this God?

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The gift of a creative God

It seems to me odd that Christians are often labelled as boring. That our lives could be thought of as dull and uninteresting. Shouldn’t the opposite be true?

In my last post, I mentioned the well that we are invited to dive into when Jesus calls us to follow him, and then again day by day, as he beckons us onward and upwards in our discipleship. There are many words I could use to describe such a life. However, boring is not one of them.

But do we appear boring? Are we? Sometimes?

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