The Power of the One

Today we have the honour of hearing from a very special guest blogger, Helen Geddes. Helen is a blessing to so many people and a wonderful gift, particularly to me (Alicia) as I have the privilege of being her daughter. She was recently reflecting on someone who made a huge impact on her life. These are her thoughts:

The people we interact with throughout our lives can have a profound impact. Just recently, I have been remembering one person in my life who’s influence, though only knowing them a short time, has been significant.

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The dance of the trinity

I have always found the concept of the trinity hard to understand. Who is our God? How is He three and yet also one? Do I relate to God as Father? Or as Jesus, the Son? Or as the Holy Spirit? How do I interact with all three? Should I do so all at once or one at a time? And if I do, am I then understanding them as three rather than one? But then if I focus on the oneness do I then lose the three-ness? Above all, what does this mean in practice? And how does it affect me as a follower of this God?

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